Ken Bluford / Two Poems

Unbound single sheet chapbook w/cardstock cover featuring two recent poems by the Philadelphia based poet, Ken Bluford.
Born in 1949, Ken graduated from New York University and the University of Pennsylvania and became the first black professor at Kenyon College. He was involved with the poetry scene centered around Middle Earth Books in the early to mid 70s, and published poems, essays, and book reviews (Ashbery, Duncan, Wieners, Snyder etc) in little magazines like LIP, Contact, and the Painted Bride Quarterly. There were some scattered chapbooks, as well as a co-publication issued by Middle Earth Books with the great Tom Weatherly, but despite being a prolific and very excellent writer he has published little over the past few decades, usually preferring to share a poem a day or so with a small group of friends on Facebook. His work is filled with everything from the day’s news, to old movie actors, snatches of song, memories of childhood, time, and oblique scenes and observations.
An unnumbered edition of 95 distributed free of charge for the pandemic era NFMP. $1 for shipping.